In our academy, we prefer to work with your organization and your colleagues keeping a long term vision in mind. Every sector has its characteristics and every business culture is unique. Taking this factor into account increases the impact of each development path. It is also possible to follow separate modules to reinforce or intensify specific competencies
What can you expect from us at the academy?
At Diamond, we like to work at four different levels (Mind-Heart-Body-Energy) because we are convinced that they are all interconnected and deeply influence each other. The mind (our way of thinking and our beliefs) is strongly linked to our values and to what we feel, the heart. These depend on our body and on the environment in which it resides. The body is nourished by the right dose of dynamism and energy
Whenever possible and depending on the workshop, we will integrate the alignment of these four levels in what you acquire from the training program or in the personal action plan of each participant.
In order to concentrate on development more than on training, we prefer to work with partners who are dedicated to stimulating and guaranteeing the integration of the newly acquired competencies.
We know that motivation, capability and a catalyst are necessary for behavioral change. Each Diamond project must ensure that these elements are present. Likewise, the organization, the team or the individual must contribute. Reflecting on how to create a lasting framework until the transformation has been achieved is the key to success. That is what is required to move from knowing how, to being able to, to BEING.
Models, theories, ancient and modern wisdom are elements which can be used to develop a framework, a structure or a synthesis. They are often useful for developing new competencies. At Diamond Development, however, we think that a pragmatic and practice-based approach should be emphasized.
By integrating the new competency and by assiduous practice, your self-conduct and behavior will evolve from the level of knowing, to that of using and finally to that of being. That is why, in each workshop or training course, you will be asked to practice your newly acquired knowledge.
Would you also like to obtain lasting results and a tailor-made partnership? Call us. Our team is always ready to help you.
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Would you like to discover with us how we can work out a stronger version of yourself, your team or your organization?